Database client

This is a Deno port of the official client for Node. It took like 5 minutes to port, so props to the team!

Get started

import { Client } from "";
const client = new Client();
await Client.set("key", "value");
let key = await Client.get("key");


class Client(String key?)

The key is the optional custom URL.

Native Functions

These functions are specified in the DB.

get(String key, Object options?)

Gets a key. Returns Promise.

Client.get("key", { raw: false }).then(console.log);

set(String key, Any value)

Sets a key to value. Returns Client.

delete(String key)

Deletes a key. Returns Client.

list(String? prefix)

Lists all of the keys, or all of the keys starting with prefix if specifed.

Dynamic Functions

These functions have been added by me.


Clears the database. Returns Client


Get all key/value pairs and return as an object.

setAll(Object obj)

Sets the entire database through a key/value object. Returns Client

deleteMultiple(...String args)

Deletes multiple keys. Returns client.