RJL (Read JSON Log)
A Deno script that allows you to view JSON logs in a more readable manner. Logs can either be loaded from a file or by piping them to stdin.
If you load multiple files at once, their lines are merged and each file is assigned a separate color so you can differentiate them from each other.
The script expects each log line to have a module
, timestamp
, and message
Optionally, if a level
field is present, it will be used for highlighting lines.
You can use the following options to filter logs:
Usage: rjl [options] [input-files...]
input-files The files to process
-l, --level <level> Only shows logs with the given level (default: [])
-s, --start-date <date> Filters out all logs before this date
-e, --end-date <date> Filters out all logs after this date
-m, --module <module> Only shows logs from the given module (default: [])
-n, --not-module <module> Hides logs from the given module (default: [])
-f, --filter <message> Filters out logs where the message contains the given string (default: [])
--shallow Only show the first level of data keys
-h, --help display help for command
Installing RJL
RJL requires Deno to be installed. You can then use the following command to install the script:
deno install --allow-read -n rjl https://deno.land/x/rjl/cli.ts