RMI Deno Package

Remote Method Invocation in TypeScript for Deno Compiler

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is an architecture in which Server Side methods are exposed directly to the client and called on the server. Eliminating the repetitive process of programming the same API on both the client and server.

Getting Started

  import { Registry, Side, Bundle } from "https://deno.land/x/rmi/mod.ts";

Creating and Registering a Remote Object and Route

On the server:

  // Create a Remote Object for the "login" bundle
  class Authentication extends Bundle('login') {
    static init() {
      // Initialize database with key

    static signup(username: string, password: string) {
      return someToken;


  // Register Remote Object

  // Register a new route
    path: '/',
    method: 'get',
    response: function(req: ServerRequest) {
        body: Deno.readFileSync('page.html')

  // Start Server on port 8080

On the client:

  <!-- Load the login bundle in a script -->
  <script src="/rmi/login"></script>

  <!-- Use the remote object API on the client -->
    (async () => {
      const token = await Authentication.signup('johndoe', 'password123');

  <!-- That's it!!! -->

Scoping your Remote Object

Bundle Scoping:

  class Authentication extends Bundle('login')
  • Bundle Scoping allows the developer to Bundle multiple remote objects into a single script file
  • In the previous server example on the first line, you can see the Authentication remote object can be accessed in the login bundle.

Side Scoping:




  // No Decorator
  • Side Scoping is how you want methods to be invoked
  • Side.Server turns the function on the client to a request to the server
    • Used for logic you want to be called on the server from the client
  • Side.Client turns the function on the client into an event listener for calls from the server
    • Used for logic you want to be called on the client from the server
  • Side.Serialized keeps the exact same function on the client
    • Used for logic you want to use directly on the client
  • No Decorator keeps the exact same function ONLY on the server
    • Used for logic you dont want to be accessible at all by the client