🌹 rosa — ROS2 Automation Macros

rosa is a thin wrapper on ROS2 tools to streamline common ROS2 development tasks. It automatically sources the correct files, and provides a file watcher to automatiaclly build packages upon file changes.

📦 Installation

REQUIREMENT: Make sure you have deno installed on your system (instructions)

deno install --allow-sys --allow-env --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write --unstable -f https://deno.land/x/rosa@v0.0.1d/rosa.ts
# Add deno bin to .bashrc if it doesn't exist (tested on ubuntu)
LINE='export PATH="/home/$USER/.deno/bin:$PATH"'
FILE='~/.bashrc '
grep -qF -- "$LINE" "$FILE" || echo "$LINE" >> "$FILE"

👨‍💻 Sample usage

NOTE: Make sure your current working directory is inside of a ROS2 workspace (could be any sub-directory of the workspace). During first use of any rosa commands in a new workspace, it prompts for user configuration (mainly choosing which ROS2 installation to use).

Setting up terminal environment to use ros2 CLI

Click to show original steps...
source /opt/ros/<distribution>/setup.sh
source ../../install/setup.sh
rosa wsh # or alternatively, rosa workspace-shell

Building a package

Click to show original steps...
# Open a new terminal
source /opt/ros/<distribution>/setup.sh
cd ../../ # (cd'ing to workspace root)
colcon build --packages-select <package name>
# Run this from any existing terminal inside the package
rosa build # Automatically builds the package folder you are in

Watching and automatically building packages in workspace (experimental)

# Run this as long as you are inside a workspace
rosa watch-all # Maps all packages within workspace, and if there are any files changes, the package is rebuilt.



  • Compatibility with more shell environments (currently only bash is supported)


  • Allow per package configuration of build options (e.g., always use --symlink-install)
  • Make watcher dependency aware and automatically dependent packages