Deno database using JSON files for quick prototyping with amazing TypeScript support!
This should not be used in large scale production projects. This is only meant to be used as a tool to help prototype and get your projects off the floor. You can build your projects with this as you go and switch over to your new database once a driver is ready.
// database.ts file
import { Sabr, SabrTable } from "";
// Create the database class
const sabr = new Sabr();
// Creates a db object that can be imported in other files.
export const db = {
// This will allow us to access table methods easily as we will see below.
// Sets up a table. If this table did not exist, it will create one.
users: new SabrTable(sabr, "users"),
// These examples also show how to provide clean TypeScript interfaces to have a much better TS experience.
client: new SabrTable<ClientSchema>(sabr, "client"),
// When you run methods on this like `db.guilds.get("someid")` It will show give you a GuildSchema type object.
guilds: new SabrTable<GuildSchema>(sabr, "guilds"),
// This is important as it prepares all the tables.
await sabr.init();
Table Methods
// somefile.ts
import { db } from "./database.ts";
// Check if a table exists
if (db.sabr.hasTable("example")) {
// Delete a table
} else {
// Create a table manually
await db.sabr.createTable("example");
console.log("Table was created");
Document Methods
// someotherfile.ts
import { db } from "./database.ts";
// Get a single document
const single = await db.guilds.get("example");
// Get all documents in a table. Returns a Map!
const all = await db.guilds.getAll();
// Incase you want an array and not a Map
const array = await db.guilds.getAll(true);
// Get all documens with a match filter
const matchObjs = await db.guilds.findMany({ test: "123", test2: "456" });
const matchObjsArray = await db.guilds.findMany({ test: "123", test2: "456" }, true);
// Get the first matching document
const matchObj = await db.guilds.findOne({ test: "123", test2: "456" });
// Check if a document exists
const exists = db.guilds.has("example");
// Create a document. Note you do not need to add `id: example` in the payload but you can if you so choose.
db.guilds.create("example", { test: "strings", numbs: 123, arrays: ["123", 123] });
// Update a document or create if it does not exist.
await db.guilds.update("example", { test: "new string" });
// Update a document that matches a filter
await db.guilds.updateOne({ test: "123" }, { test: "new string" });
// Delete a document
// Delete a document that matches a filter
await db.guilds.deleteOne({ test: "123" });
// Delete all document that matches a filter
await db.guilds.deleteMany({ test: "123" });
Advanced Customizations
Customizing the database folder path is possible.
import { Sabr, SabrTable } from "";
import { fromFileUrl } from "";
// Create the database class
const sabr = new Sabr();
// By default Sabr will create a folder called `db` in the same directory where you ran your code, using deno run .... mod.ts
// If you wish to change the directory, you can override the path as shown below
// fromFileUrl converts the file:/// path to a valid system path. The last / index remove the mod.ts file name
sabr.directoryPath = `${fromFileUrl(Deno.mainModule.substring(0, Deno.mainModule.lastIndexOf("/")))}/database/`;
Customizing the error handling.
import { Sabr, SabrTable } from "";
class CustomSabr extends Sabr {
error( any[]) {
// However you want to handle errors.
const sabr = new CustomSabr();