
Calculate scores for numeric values or items, and get the "total score" (aka arithmetic mean or weighted arithmetic mean) from multiple scores.

Concept and vision

Imagine you

  • have a long list of items to work on, and you want to prioritize them
  • want to show the most relevant items to a user before showing more

For example, let's look at npm packages. Possible criteria are:

  • number of maintainers
  • number of dependencies (direct/transient)
  • time since last published version
  • version (major < 1?) / dist-tags
  • weekly downloads
  • source code repo attributes (e.g. GitHub stars/forks)
  • quality?
  • ...?

The different relevant values come in very different "shapes". Once all the data is gathered per package, depending on the use case the different values are more or less relevant.

I experienced that such a "rating system", or "weighted average score", is not so easy to get completely right from scratch alongside collecting the data. It also involves a lot of repetitive code that easily leaks its abstractions into the rest of the code.

scor simplifies this by making certain assumptions:

  • All values are within a certain range (min <= value <= max).
    • only numeric values are accepted, everything else throws
  • To use the (different) values as a score and easily compare all of them,
    they need to be converted into the same range: \ between 0(value <= min) and 1 (value >= max)
    • If the range is "empty" (min === max), the score is always 0
    • values that are "not numeric" (see isNumeric) result in a score of 0
  • The user fully controls the conversion of item to value (toValue):
    • get deeply nested fields
    • calculate from multiple fields
    • convert data to a numeric value
    • need the highest value to be the lowest score: -1 * value
    • need some logarithmic scale: Math.log10(value)
    • ...
  • The user fully controls min and max values,
    but they can be derived from items (also using toValue, see getItemRange).
  • All options for scor are optional and can be configured as a second step
  • Fail as early as possible (by throwing a specific Error):
    • using a method that requires an optional value which has not been configured
    • a required value is not numeric (beside cases mentioned above)
  • A Scor is immutable, "mutations" create a new instance.
  • A Scor never keeps references to the items it is scoring.
  • Multiple Scors can easily be combined into a single overall weighted score per item, e.g. to use it for sorting


(This has not been published as a package yet, but you can of course fetch the code from GitHub.)

import { createToMean, distributeWeights, scorForItems } from "scor"; // I plan to publish to soon
import { getPackagesData } from "./npm.ts";

const packages = await getPackagesData();

const scors = {
  downloads: scorForItems(
    // toValue converts an item to a numeric value, in this case with a log10 scale
    (p) => Math.log10(p.downloads),
  maintainers: scorForItems((p) => p.maintainers.length, packages),

// one way to calculate indivudual scores for each item
const scores = => ({
  downloadScore: scors.downloads.forItem(p),
  maintainerScore: scors.maintainers.forItem(p),

// or calculate the arithmetic mean per item
const scorePerItem =;

// or the weighted arithmetic mean
const weightedScorePerItem =
  { downloads: 0.75, maintainers: 0.25 },

// or as a list wihtout keys
const scorsList = [
    (p) => Math.log10(p.downloads),
  scorForItems((p) => p.maintainers.length, packages),

const weightedScorePerItemL =
  createToMean(scorsList, [0.75, 0.25]),

// if you have many weights and some should be distributed:
  [0.5, undefined, undefined],
); // => [0.5, 0.25, 0.25]
  { first: 0.7, second: undefined, third: undefined },
); // => {first: 0.7, second: 0.15, third: 0.15}


Contributions are welcome!