
The library has been rewritten from the original library: sd-api with some changes:

  • Drop Axios, use fetch
  • Drop Buffer usage
  • Improve typing
  • Lazy image processing
  • replace string-similarity by fzf

stable-diffusion-webui is awesome, and you may want to integrate it right now into your JavaScript projects.

stable-diffusion-webui Client is written in Deno first.

Sample usage

By default stable-diffusion-webui run on localhost port 7860, it that the case you can omit the entry point:, with a openAPI donc available at

API are disabled by default to enable APIs add in COMMANDLINE_ARGS:

  • --api to enable API access
  • --server-name= to access stable-diffusion-webui from a remote host
  • --api-log to debug incoming request

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--xformers --api --server-name=

List available models

import { StableDiffusionApi } from "";
import { * as pc } from '';

const SD = new StableDiffusionApi();
const list = await SD.getSdModels();
console.log(`${list.length} Models availables`);

Start a txt2img generation using Helper

import { StableDiffusionApi } from "";
const SD = new StableDiffusionApi({ timeout: 180_000 });

const helper = new SDHelper('');
const resp = await SD.txt2img({
    "A hyper - realistic GoPro selfie of a smiling glamorous Influencer with a t-rex Dinosaurus. Extreme environment.",
    "sketch, ugly, blur, text, logo, monochrome, bad art, cut off, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur",
  width: 1024,
  height: 1024,
  sampler_name: "Euler a",
if (resp.images.length) {
  await resp.getSharpImage(0).webp().toFile(`${}.webp`);