
Tags Doc

Style templates for console.log in Deno.


import { sttyl } from "";
// Basic
  ...sttyl`Hello, here is some ${"RED"}${"YELLOW"}.yellow/ text.`,
    and: "some args",
    more: "and some more args",
// Dynamic Styles
const style1 = ".b.i.cyan.u/";
const style2 = "";
  ...sttyl`...and some ${"dynamically"}${style1} ${"styled"}${style2} text.`,
// Custom Styles
const styles = {
  s1: `color: magenta; font-weight: bold`,
  s2: `color: orange; font-style: italic`,
const myStyle = sttyl.with(styles);
  ...myStyle`...and ${"text"}.s1/ ${"with custom style names"}.s2.u/.`,


The code above should output something like this:

Image of console text output styled with sttyl

Browser Usage

The code in mode.ts should work perfectly well in a browser once compiled to JavaScript. Look for an NPM module soon.

Default Styles

When you pass your custom styles into sttyl.with(), they are combined with and can override all of the defaultStyles shown below.

const defaultStyles: Record<string, string> = {
  // #region Colors
  black: "color: black",
  blue: "color: blue",
  cyan: "color: cyan",
  gray: "color: gray",
  green: "color: green",
  grey: "color: grey",
  magenta: "color: magenta",
  red: "color: red",
  white: "color: white",
  yellow: "color: yellow",
  // #endregion
  // #region Text formats
  b: "font-weight: bold",
  bold: "font-weight: bold",
  i: "font-style: italic",
  italic: "font-style: italic",
  s: "text-decoration: line-through",
  strike: "text-decoration: line-through",
  u: "text-decoration: underline",
  underline: "text-decoration: underline",
  // #endregion