
A fullstack framework for Deno for easily creating (progressive) web apps.


deno install --force --name tano -A https://deno.land/x/tano@0.0.20/cli/main.ts


All Commands are meant to be executed in the project root aka "Workspace".
Alternatively, this can be set with the option --workspace=<project-root>.


Tano based applications require a certain project structure to function.
This structure can be created (with example code for a simple "Hello, world!" application) using the tano setup command.

tano setup [--workspace=./]


A build step is required to serve Tano based applications, which can be executed with the tano build command.

tano build [--workspace=./] [--minify=true]


To start a Tano based application, so that it can be accessed via http://localhost:4500, the tano serve command is recommended.
This internally executes the tano build command and then starts the application's backend via deno run with the necessary options.

tano serve [--workspace=./] [--minify=true] [--port=4500]