A simple, tiny logger for deno that just works.
One of the ways to use timber is with just the core by itself:
// you should add a version to this
import { timber } from "https://deno.land/x/timber/mod.ts";
// you don't need this, but it adds a bit of flavour to this example
import { brightBlue } from "https://deno.land/std@0.110.0/fmt/colors.ts";
// here we're creating a logger called "info"
const info = timber({ long: "info", short: "?", style: brightBlue });
// this will use the logger and call `console.log` under the hood
info("hello, world!");
Or you can use the extras which comes with pre-defined loggers and helper functions:
// you should add a version to this
import { info, timestamp } from "https://deno.land/x/timber/extra.ts";
// this time we can use the pre-made logger with the timestamp helper
info("hello, world!", { before: timestamp() });
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