
A simple pomodoro timer for your terminal with system notifications, powered by Deno.


deno install --unstable --allow-all --name tomatera


Work Timer

Work timers default to 55 minutes, but can be provided an optional duration in minutes argument.

tomatera work  # Start default work timer

tomatera work 25  # Start 25 minute work timer

Break Timer

Break timers default to 5 minutes, but can be provided an optional duration in minutes argument.

tomatera break  # Start default break timer

tomatera break 15  # Start 15 minute break timer

General Timer

A general timer can be started, but must be given a minute and second duration argument.

tomatera 10 0  # Start a timer for 10 minutes

tomatera 0 30  # Start a timer for 30 seconds

tomatera 1 30 # Start a timer for 1 minute and 30 seconds