un shell

Set your shell free !

Unshell try to fill the gap between shell commands and programming language. Unshell let you use any binary in your PATH as a Deno function.

You can compose and pipe any function. Mix and match with Deno builtin function. Unshell spawn processes under the hood.

/!\ Things might break. Use with caution. Not all binary's options work at the moment


import unshell, { exec, execIter, pipe } from "https://deno.land/x/unshell/mod.ts"


Given the script: pause.js to pause all docker containers

import unshell, { exec } from "https://deno.land/x/unshell/mod.ts"

const { docker } = unshell() // import any binary from PATH

const pause = async (ids) => {
  for (const id of ids) {
    await exec(docker.pause(id)) // use like function

const fetchContainerIds = async () => {
  const ids = await exec(docker.ps({ q: true, no_trunc: true }))  // use named params for options

  return ids.split('\n').filter(Boolean)

await fetchContainerIds()
  • try to run a container docker run -it --rm ubuntu bash
  • then deno run --allow-read --allow-env --allow-run pause.js
  • You just froze a container
  • You can see other examples inside spec/ folder


  • Please do :)
  • See deno.jsonc or makefile


  • typechecking
  • expose better typing info
  • better ressource handling (process.close,...)
  • port to node


Unshell is inspired by these modules


The code is available under the MIT license.