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List of vendor prefixes known to the web platform.

List of (real) vendor prefixes known to the web platform. From Wikipedia and the CSS 2.1 spec.

† — real, as in, mso- and prince- are not included because they are not valid.

data from wooorm/vendors


import { vendors } from "";



> [
>  "ah",
>  "apple",
>  "atsc",
>  "epub",
>  "fx",
>  "hp",
>  "khtml",
>  "moz",
>  "ms",
>  "o",
>  "rim",
>  "ro",
>  "tc",
>  "wap",
>  "webkit",
>  "xv",
> ]

You can also check if something is a correct Vendor by using isVendor().

import { isVendor } from "";



> true
> false

Instead of running isVendor() if you need to assign a variable to a supposed string that is a vendor, you can just set the type of the variable to Vendor. Thankfully, the TypeScript compiler will make sure that your variable is one of the valid vendors.

import { Vendor } from "";

const myVendor: Vendor = "o";

No output because it's valid!

Here is an example of what would happen if our variable isn't a valid Vendor:

import { Vendor } from "";

const myBadVendor1: Vendor = "";
const myBadVendor2: Vendor = 24;

Here are the two errors in the output

> error: TS2322 [ERROR]: Type '""' is not assignable to type '"ah" | "apple" | "atsc" | "epub" | "fx" | "hp" | "khtml" | "moz" | "ms" | "o" | "rim" | "ro" | "tc" | "wap" | "webkit" | "xv"'.
> const myBadVendor1: Vendor = "";
>       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> TS2322 [ERROR]: Type '24' is not assignable to type '"ah" | "apple" | "atsc" | "epub" | "fx" | "hp" | "khtml" | "moz" | "ms" | "o" | "rim" | "ro" | "tc" | "wap" | "webkit" | "xv"'.
> const myBadVendor2: Vendor = 24;
>       ~~~~~~~~~~~~


deno-vendors is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.