科大讯飞基于 Web Api 的 Deno 封装


  • tts 语音合成
  • iat 语音听写
  • connect 原始 web api 接口


import * as assert from "https://deno.land/std@0.147.0/testing/asserts.ts";
import { Xfyun } from "https://deno.land/x/xfyun_api/v0.1.0/mod.ts";

Deno.test("xfyun tts", async () => {
  const xfyun = new XFYun({
    appid: APP_ID,
    apisecret: API_SECRET,
    apikey: API_KEY,

  let byteLength = 0;

  for await (
    const voice of xfyun.tts({
      aue: "lame",
      sfl: 1,
      text: "你好, 你好, 你们好",
      vcn: "xiaoyan",
      tte: "UTF8",
  ) {
    byteLength += voice.byteLength;

  assert.assertEquals(byteLength, 15984);


import * as assert from "https://deno.land/std@0.147.0/testing/asserts.ts";
import { Xfyun } from "https://deno.land/x/xfyun_api/v0.1.0/mod.ts";

Deno.test("xfyun iat", async () => {
  const xfyun = new XFYun({
    appid: APP_ID,
    apisecret: API_SECRET,
    apikey: API_KEY,

  const audio = await Deno.open("./16k_10.pcm");

  let result = "";

  for await (
    const data of xfyun.iat({
      language: "zh_cn",
      domain: "iat",
      accent: "mandarin",
      dwa: "wpgs", // 可选参数,动态修正

      format: "audio/L16;rate=16000",
      encoding: "raw",
      audio: audio.readable,
  ) {
    result += data.data.result.ws.flatMap((ws) =>
      ws.cw.map((cw) => cw.w).join("")
