yaml to TypeScript interface

deno version Deno

simple use

yaml to TypeScript interface file only

import { writeTSToFile } from "https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/mod.ts";

// to file only
writeTSToFile("example/test.yaml", "test.ts");

This will translate example/test.yaml and write to test.ts.

This is an example yaml:

port: 4000
apiPrefix: api
  port: 6379
  host: localhost
  password: xxxx
  db: 0
      filename: logs/deno
      daysToKeep: 10
      pattern: yyyy-MM-dd.log
        - dateFile
        - console
      level: DEBUG

The following is the generated TypeScript interface:

interface RootObject {
  port: number;
  apiPrefix: string;
  redis: Redis;
  log: Log;
interface Log {
  appenders: Appenders;
  categories: Categories;
interface Categories {
  default: Default;
interface Default {
  appenders: string[];
  level: string;
interface Appenders {
  dateFile: DateFile;
interface DateFile {
  filename: string;
  daysToKeep: number;
  pattern: string;
interface Redis {
  port: number;
  host: string;
  password: string;
  db: number;

yaml to TypeScript interface stdout only

import { writeTSToStdout } from "https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/mod.ts";


yaml to TypeScript interface both to file and stdout

import { writeTSToFileOrStdout } from "https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/mod.ts";

// both to file and to stdout
writeTSToFileOrStdout("example/test.yaml", {
  isToStdout: true,
  destPath: "test.ts",


This is a script that you can use directly.

  • -f Specify which yaml file which must be set.
  • -o The output file
  • -s Is to stdout

yaml to TypeScript interface file only with cli

The param is -o.

deno run --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/cli.ts -f example/test.yaml -o example/test.ts

yaml to TypeScript interface stdout only with cli

The param is -s.

deno run --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/cli.ts -f example/test.yaml -s

Then you can use pipe:

deno run --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/cli.ts -f example/test.yaml -s > aa.ts

yaml to TypeScript interface file both to file and stdout with cli

The param is -s and -o.

deno run --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/cli.ts -f example/test.yaml -o example/test.ts -s

You can also use install to simplify writing:

deno install --allow-read --allow-write -n yt https://deno.land/x/yaml_to_ts@v0.1.0/cli.ts 

yt -f example/test.yaml -o example/test.ts -s