Allo Arguments for Deno 🦕
A library for Deno that parses the terminal's input parameters.
It allows you to assign default values to them, process them and automatically generate a message for --help
import { Arguments, ValueException } from "../mod.ts";
import { join } from "";
function init() {
const configConvertor = (v: string | null): string => {
if (v == null) throw new ValueException(`Path to configuration file is not set. You can set it using "--config=<path>"`)
return join(Deno.cwd(), v);
const sleepConvertor = (v: string | number | null): number | null => {
if (v === null) return null;
if (typeof v === "string") v = parseInt(v, 10);
if (isNaN(v)) throw new ValueException(`Délka pauzy musí platné číslo číslo. "--sleep=<number>"`)
if (v <= 200) throw new ValueException(`Délka pauzy nesmí být menší než 200 ms. "--sleep=<number>"`)
return v;
const booleanConvertor = (v: boolean | string | null) => v === true || v === 'true';
const args = new Arguments(
name: 'config, c',
description: `Path to the configuration file in JSON format.`,
convertor: configConvertor,
default: 'config.json'
name: 'delete',
description: `Deletes all folders according to the configuration file.`,
convertor: booleanConvertor,
default: false,
name: 'sleep, s',
description: `Sleep duration between processes in milliseconds.`,
convertor: sleepConvertor,
default: 5000,
args.setDescription(`My beautiful program.`);
// Important for `--help` flag works.
if (args.shouldHelp()) args.triggerHelpException();
const values = {
config: args.get<string>('config'),
delete: args.get<boolean>('delete'),
sleep: args.get<number>('sleep'),
try {
// Dont forget to await! (in async scope of course).
await init();
} catch (error) {
if (!Arguments.isArgumentException(error)) throw error;