Note: This is very early stages. Just started working on it.
Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.
- No globals or global configuration.
- No custom CLI.
- Cross platform shell to help the code work on Windows.
- Uses deno_task_shell's parser.
- Allows exporting the shell's environment to the current process.
- Good for application code in addition to use as a shell script replacement.
- Named after my cat.
import $ from "https://deno.land/x/dax@VERSION_GOES_HERE/mod.ts";
// run a command with its output sent to stdout and stderr
await $`echo 5`;
// get the stdout of a command (makes stdout "quiet")
const result = await $`echo 1`.text();
console.log(result); // 1\n
// get the result of stdout as json (makes stdout "quiet")
const result = await $`echo '{ "prop": 5 }'`.json();
console.log(result.prop); // 5
// get the result of stdout as bytes (makes stdout "quiet")
const result = await $`echo 'test'`.bytes();
console.log(result); // Uint8Array(5) [ 116, 101, 115, 116, 10 ]
// working with a lower level result that provides more details
const result = await $`deno eval 'console.error(5);'`;
console.log(result.code); // 0
console.log(result.stdout); // empty
console.log(result.stderr.trim()); // 5
const output = await $`echo '{ "test": 5 }'`;
// providing stdout of command to other command
// Note: This will read trim the last newline of the other command's stdout
const result = await $`echo 1`;
const result2 = await $`echo ${result}`;
console.log(result2.stdout); // 1\n
// setting env variables (outputs: 1 2 3 4)
await $`echo $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4`
.env("var1", "1")
.env("var2", "2")
// or use object syntax
var3: "3",
var4: "4",
// setting cwd for command
await $`deno eval 'console.log(Deno.cwd());'`.cwd("./someDir");
// makes a command not output anything to stdout and stderr
// if set to "default" or "inherit"
await $`echo 5`.quiet();
await $`echo 5`.quiet("stdout"); // or just stdout
await $`echo 5`.quiet("stderr"); // or just stderr
// similar to console.log, but with potential indentation
// similar to console.error, but with potential indentation
$.logError("Some error message.");
// log with the first argument as bold green
$.logTitle("Fetching", "data from server...");
// log an error with the first argument bold red
$.logTitleError("Error", "cannot retrieve data");
// log with everything below indented
await $.logIndent(async () => {
$.log("This will be indented.");
await $.logIndent(async () => {
$.log("This will indented even more.");
// change directory
// sleep
await $.sleep(100); // ms
await $.sleep("1.5s");
await $.sleep("100ms");
// download a file as JSON (this will throw on non-2xx status code)
const data = await $.download("https://plugins.dprint.dev/info.json").json();
// or text
const text = await $.download("https://example.com").text();
// or long form
const response = await $.download("https://plugins.dprint.dev/info.json");
console.log(await response.json());
// get path to an executable
await $.which("deno"); // path to deno executable
// attempt doing an action until it succeeds
await $.withRetries({
count: 5,
delay: "5s",
action: async () => {
await $`cargo publish`;
// re-export of deno_std's path
$.path.basename("./deno/std/path/mod.ts"); // mod.ts
// re-export of deno_std's fs
for await (const file of $.fs.expandGlob("**/*.ts")) {
// export the environment of a command to the executing process
await $`cd src && export MY_VALUE=5`.exportEnv();
// will output "5"
await $`echo $MY_VALUE`.stdout("inherit");
// will output it's in the src dir
await $`echo $PWD`.stdout("inherit");
// this will also output it's in the src dir
The shell is cross platform and uses the parser from deno_task_shell.
Sequential lists:
// result will contain the directory in someDir
const result = await $`cd someDir ; deno eval 'console.log(Deno.cwd())'`;
Boolean lists:
// returns stdout with 1\n\2n
await $`echo 1 && echo 2`;
// returns stdout with 1\n
await $`echo 1 || echo 2`;
Setting env var for command in the shell (generally you can just use .env(...)
// result will contain the directory in someDir
const result = await $`test=123 deno eval 'console.log(Deno.env.get('test'))'`;
console.log(result.stdout); // 123
Shell variables (these aren't exported):
// the 'test' variable WON'T be exported to the sub processes, so
// that will print a blank line, but it will be used in the final echo command
const result =
await $`test=123 && deno eval 'console.log(Deno.env.get('test'))' && echo $test`;
Env variables (these are exported):
// the 'test' variable WILL be exported to the sub processes and
// it will be used in the final echo command
const result =
await $`export test=123 && deno eval 'console.log(Deno.env.get('test'))' && echo $test`;
Variable substitution:
const result = await $`echo $TEST`.env("TEST", "123");
console.log(result.stdout); // 123
Custom Cross Platform Shell Commands
Currently implemented (though not every option is supported):
- Change directory command.- Note that shells don't export their environment by default.
- Echo command.
Builder APIs
The builder APIs are what the library uses internally and they're useful for scenarios where you want to re-use some setup state. They're immutable so every function call returns a new object (which is the same thing that happens with the objects returned from $
and $.download
can be used for building up commands similar to what the tagged template $
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/dax@VERSION_GOES_HERE/mod.ts";
const commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder()
const otherBuilder = commandBuilder
const result = await commandBuilder
// won't have a null stderr
.command("deno run my_script.ts")
const result2 = await otherBuilder
// will have a null stderr
.command("deno run my_script.ts")
can be used for building up requests similar to $.download
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/dax@VERSION_GOES_HERE/mod.ts";
const requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder()
.header("SOME_VALUE", "some value to send in a header");
const result = await requestBuilder
Custom You may wish to create your own $
function that has a certain setup context (for example, a defined environment variable or cwd). You may do this by using the exported build$
with CommandBuilder
and/or RequestBuilder
, which is what the main default exported $
function uses internally to build itself:
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/dax@VERSION_GOES_HERE/mod.ts";
const commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder()
.env("HTTPS_PROXY", "some_value");
const requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder()
.header("SOME_NAME", "some value");
// creates a $ object with the starting environment as shown above
const $ = build$({ commandBuilder, requestBuilder });
// this command will use the env described above, but the main
// process won't have its environment changed
await $`deno run my_script.ts`;
const data = await $.download("https://plugins.dprint.dev/info.json").json();
This may be useful also if you want to change the default configuration. Another example:
const builder = new CommandBuilder()
const $ = build$({ commandBuilder });
// since exportEnv() was set, this will now actually change
// the directory of the executing process
await $`cd test && export MY_VALUE=5`;
// will output "5"
await $`echo $MY_VALUE`;
// will output it's in the test dir
await $`echo $PWD`;
// won't throw even though this command fails (because of `.noThrow()`)
await $`deno eval 'Deno.exit(1);'`;