Deno library for usage of diff Based on the O(n * m) DP solution to the LCS problem
import { diffCharacters } from "https://deno.land/x/diff/mod.ts";
diffCharacters("ABCBDAB", "BDCABA")
diffCharacters(oldString: string, newString: string)
Compares two strings by character and returns a list IDiffCharacter
objects (explained below)
longestCommonSubsequence(a: string, b: string)
Compares two strings by character and returns the longest common subsequence
character: string;
wasAdded: boolean;
wasRemoved: boolean;
The object contains the character and whether that character was removed, added, or neither. Here is example usage
for (const character of diffCharacters("boopa", "boop beep boppy")) {
let finalString = "";
if (character.wasRemoved) {
// print red if removed without newline
finalString += `\x1b[31m${character.character}\x1b[0m`;
} else if (character.wasAdded) {
// print green if added
finalString += `\x1b[32m${character.character}\x1b[0m`;
} else {
// print white if unchanged
finalString += `\x1b[37m${character.character}\x1b[0m`;