Deno server-side markdown rendering. Including HTML sanitization & GitHub Flavored Markdown per default.
This is a fork of deno-gfm giving the user more control over the HTML sanitization and styling of components.
import { renderMarkdown } from "";
const markdown = await Deno.readTextFile('')
const html = renderMarkdown(markdown);
Customize sanitization
Sanitize-html is used for the sanitization. By default things to render markdown and syntax highlighting are enabled:
allowedTags: [
"address", "article", "aside", "footer", "header", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4",
"h5", "h6", "hgroup", "main", "nav", "section", "blockquote", "dd", "div",
"dl", "dt", "figcaption", "figure", "hr", "li", "main", "ol", "p", "pre",
"ul", "a", "abbr", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "br", "cite", "code", "data", "dfn",
"em", "i", "kbd", "mark", "q", "rb", "rp", "rt", "rtc", "ruby", "s", "samp",
"small", "span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "time", "u", "var", "wbr", "caption",
"col", "colgroup", "table", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"
allowedAttributes: {
a: ["href", "title", "rel", "tabindex", "aria-hidden", "class"],
h1: ["id", "class"],
h2: ["id", "class"],
h3: ["id", "class"],
h4: ["id", "class"],
h5: ["id", "class"],
h6: ["id", "class"]
allowedClasses: {
a: ["anchor"],
pre: ["highlight", "language-*"],
span: [
"atrule-id", "attr-name", "boolean", "cdata",
"class-name", "comment", "control", "doctype",
"function", "keyword", "namespace", "number",
"operator", "plain-text", "prolog", "property",
"punctuation", "regex", "regex-delimiter", "script",
"script-punctuation", "selector", "statement", "string",
"tag", "tag-id", "token", "unit"
To allow your own rules pass some options to the render function:
const options = {
allowedTags: ["img", "svg"],
allowedAttributes: {
img: ["height", "width", "alt"],
allowedClasses: {
div: ["my-class"],
disableDefaults: true // to disable all default rules
const html = renderMarkdown(markdown, options);
Customize rendering
Anchor tag for headings
You can render a custom anchor tag for your headings, for example an svg:
const svg = '
<svg height="16" width="16"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black"/></svg>
const options = {
sanitizeAllowTags: ["svg", "circle"],
sanitizeAllowAttributes: {
svg: ["height", "width"],
circle: ["cx", "cy", "r", "stroke"],
render: {
anchorElement: svg,
const html = renderMarkdown(markdown, options);
this would render
<h1 id="#my-heading">
<a class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" href="#my-heading">
<svg height="16" width="16">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" />
My Heading
Custom class
Currently you can give headings, links and code a custom class:
const options = {
// ...
linkClass: "custom-class",
headingClass: "custom-class",
codeClass: "custom-class",
const html = renderMarkdown(markdown, options);
Syntax Highlighting Languages
Prism is used for syntax highlighting. It highlightes JavaScript and HTML per default. To highlight more languages import them like so:
import { renderMarkdown } from "";
// Add TypeScript syntax highlighting
import "";
By default no styling is included.
Code blocks will have the classes highlight
and language-{lang}
, so any PrismJS Themes should work. Or you can make your own.