
This library assists developers to generate SQL queries for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. It's designed for those who's interested in utilizing the true power of relational databases (not a "no-SQL" SQL). It tries to make queries safe, and migration to different database engine easier.

This library can:

  • Quote SQL literals (string, blob, date, ...)
  • Form certain parts in an SQL query, like names-values in INSERT, to generate "WHERE" expressions, etc.
  • Generate SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE queries from parts

Quote SQL literals

This library provides the following functions:

  • mysqlQuote(value: any, noBackslashEscapes=false)
  • pgsqlQuote(value: any, unused=false)
  • sqliteQuote(value: any, unused=false)
  • mssqlQuote(value: any, unused=false)

Usually you need to import only one of these functions into your project.

import {mysqlQuote as sqlQuote} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';


Function mysqlQuote() has second parameter called noBackslashEscapes. If it's true, backslashes in SQL string literals will be assumed not to have special meaning, so mysqlQuote() will not double backslashes. It's important to provide the correct value to this parameter. Remember that the value of this parameter can change during server session, if user executes a query like SET sql_mode='no_backslash_escapes'.

The "value" parameter can be one of the following types:

  • null, undefined, Javascript functions and Symbol objects produce NULL literal
  • boolean produces FALSE or TRUE literals (0 or 1 for Microsoft SQL Server)
  • number and bigint is printed as is
  • Date produces string like 2021-08-26 or 2021-08-26 10:00:00 or 2021-08-26 10:00:00.123
  • typed arrays (like Uint8Array) produce literals like x'00112233' (0x00112233 for Microsoft SQL Server)
  • Sql object will print a string with it's query
  • Deno.Reader will be rejected with exception
  • other types will be converted to strings and printed as an SQL string literal
import {mysqlQuote as sqlQuote} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

console.log(sqlQuote(null)); // prints: NULL
console.log(sqlQuote(false)); // prints: FALSE
console.log(sqlQuote(123)); // prints: 123
console.log(sqlQuote('Message')); // prints: 'Message'
console.log(sqlQuote('It\'s another message')); // prints: 'It''s another message'
console.log(sqlQuote(new Date(2000, 0, 1))); // prints: '2000-01-01'
console.log(sqlQuote(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]))); // prints: x'010203'
console.log(sqlQuote({id: 1, value: 1.5})); // prints: '{"id":1,"value":1.5}'

Produce parts of SQL queries

This library provides the following string-template functions:

  • mysql and mysqlOnly
  • pgsql and pgsqlOnly
  • sqlite and sqliteOnly
  • mssql and mssqlOnly

Usually you need to import only one of these functions into your project.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let message = `It's the message`;
let number = 0.1;
let column = 'The number';
console.log('' + sql`SELECT '${message}', '${number}' AS "${column}"`); // prints: SELECT 'It''s the message', 0.1 AS `The number`

*Only allows you to use all the supported features for that SQL dialect, even those that are not supported for other dialects.

Tags without *Only throw exception if you ask a feature that is not supported by all of MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite and Microsoft SQL Server. So you can switch to different dialect later (e.g. from mysql to mssql).

You can mark backtick-quoted Javascript strings with the sql tag, as in example above, and dollar-brace parameters in this string will be escaped.

How each parameter is escaped depends on quotes that you used in your SQL string, to quote this parameter (in the example above i quoted message and number with apostrophes, and column with double-quotes).

1. '${param}' - Escape an SQL value.

If the parameter is a string, characters inside it will be properly escaped (if you use mysql, a mysqlNoBackslashEscapes argument of toString() or encode() will be respected - see below).

If the value is a number, quotes around it will be removed.

If it's a null, or an undefined, a Javascript function or a Symbol, it will be substituted with NULL literal.

If it's boolean false or true, it will be substituted with FALSE or TRUE (0 or 1 on Microsoft SQL Server).

Date objects will be printed as SQL dates.

Typed arrays will be printed like x'0102...' (0x0102... on Microsoft SQL Server).

Deno.Reader objects will be put to putParamsTo array, if it's provided to toString() or encode() - see below, and the value will be replaced with '?' character. If putParamsTo not provided, exception will be thrown.

Objects will be JSON-stringified.

2. "${param}" or \`${param}\` - Escape an identifier (column, table or routine name, etc.).

For MySQL double quotes will be replaced with backticks. For others, backticks (if you used them) will be converted to quotes.

Identifier cannot contain ASCII 0 characters (required for PostgreSQL).

3. "${param}*", "${param}+", "${param}," - Escape a list of identifiers (also can use backticks instead of quotes).

Generates comma-separated list of quoted identifiers from iterable collection "param".

"${param}*" - if the collection is empty, generates * character (as in SELECT * FROM ...).

"${param}+" - throws exception if the collection is empty.

"${param}," - doesn't generate any output, if the collection is empty. If it's not empty, prints a comma after the last identifier.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let noNames: never[] = [];
let names = ['one', 'two'];

console.log(sql`SELECT "${noNames}*"` + ''); // prints: SELECT *
console.log(sql`SELECT "${names}*"` + ''); // prints: SELECT `one`, `two`
console.log(sql`SELECT "${noNames}," three` + ''); // prints: SELECT  three
console.log(sql`SELECT "${names}," three` + ''); // prints: SELECT `one`, `two`, three

3b. "parent_name.${param}*", "parent_name.${param}+", "parent_name.${param},"

The same as [3], but qualifies each identifier with specified parent name.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let noNames: never[] = [];
let names = ['one', 'two'];

console.log(sql`SELECT "t1.${noNames}*"` + ''); // prints: SELECT *
console.log(sql`SELECT "t1.${names}*"` + ''); // prints: SELECT `t1`.`one`, `t1`.`two`
console.log(sql`SELECT "t1.${noNames}," three` + ''); // prints: SELECT  three
console.log(sql`SELECT "t1.${names}," three` + ''); // prints: SELECT `t1`.`one`, `t1`.`two`, three

4. [${param}] - Generate list of SQL values.

Square brackets will be replaced with parentheses. The parameter must be iterable.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const ids = [10, 11, 12];
let s = sql`SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id IN [${ids}]`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id IN (10,11,12)

If there are no items in the collection, it generates (NULL).

If items in the collection are also iterable, this will generate multidimensional list. 2-Dimensional lists are only supported by MySQL and PostgreSQL. More than 2 dimensions are only supported by MySQL.

import {mysqlOnly as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const list = [[10, 1], [11, 3], [12, 8]];
let s = sql
`    SELECT *
    FROM articles AS a
    INNER JOIN article_versions AS av ON a.id = av.article_id
    WHERE (av.article_id, av.article_version) IN [${list}]
console.log('' + s); // prints: ...WHERE (av.article_id, av.article_version) IN ((10,1),(11,3),(12,8))

5. (${param}) or (parent_name.${param}) - Embed a safe SQL expression.

The inserted SQL fragment will be validated, so it doesn't contain the following characters (unless quoted): @ $ # ? : [ ] { } ;, \0-char, commas except in parentheses, comments, unterminated literals, unbalanced parentheses. Identifiers in this SQL fragment will be quoted according to chosen policy (see below).

Strings in the SQL fragment are always treated as mysqlNoBackslashEscapes (backslash is regular character), so to represent a string with a new line, you need const expr = "Char_length('Line\n')", not const expr = "Char_length('Line\\n')".

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const expr = "Char_length('Line\n')";
let s = sql`SELECT (${expr})`;
console.log('' + s);

It's possible to prefix all unqualified identifiers in the SQL fragment with a parent qualifier:

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const expr = "article_id = 10 AND `article_version` = 1 AND a.name <> ''";
let s = sql
`    SELECT a.name, av.*
    FROM articles AS a
    INNER JOIN article_versions AS av ON a.id = av.article_id
    WHERE (av.${expr})
console.log('' + s); // prints ...WHERE (`av`.article_id = 10 AND `av`.`article_version` = 1 AND `a`.name <> '')

6. ${param} or parent_name.${param} (not enclosed) - Like (${param}), but allows commas on top level.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const columns = "name, value";
let s = sql`SELECT ${columns} FROM something WHERE id=1`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: SELECT `name`, `value` FROM something WHERE id=1

7. {parent_name.${param}}, {parent_name.${param},} - Generate equations separated with commas (the parent_name is optional).

The first form throws exception, if there are no fields in the param. The Second form doesn't complain, and prints comma after the last field.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: 'Johnny'};
let s = sql`UPDATE articles AS a SET {a.${row}} WHERE id=1`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: UPDATE articles AS a SET `a`.`name`='About all', `a`.`author`='Johnny' WHERE id=1
import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: 'Johnny'};
let s = sql`UPDATE articles AS a SET {a.${row},} article_date=Now() WHERE id=1`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: UPDATE articles AS a SET `a`.`name`='About all', `a`.`author`='Johnny', article_date=Now() WHERE id=1

If a value is an Sql object, it's expression will be used.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: sql`Get_author(id)`};
let s = sql`UPDATE articles AS a SET {a.${row}} WHERE id=1`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: UPDATE articles AS a SET `a`.`name`='About all', `a`.`author`=Get_author(`a`.id) WHERE id=1

8. {parent_name.${param}&} - Generate equations separated with "AND" operations (the parent_name is optional).

Converts braces to parentheses. If the param contains no fields, this will be converted to a FALSE literal.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: sql`Get_author(id)`};
let s = sql`SELECT * FROM articles AS a WHERE {a.${row}&}`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: SELECT * FROM articles AS a WHERE (`a`.`name`='About all' AND `a`.`author`=Get_author(`a`.id))

9. {parent_name.${param}|} - Generate equations separated with "OR" operations (the parent_name is optional).

Converts braces to parentheses. If the param contains no fields, this will be converted to a TRUE literal.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: sql`Get_author(id)`};
let s = sql`SELECT * FROM articles AS a WHERE {a.${row}|}`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: SELECT * FROM articles AS a WHERE (`a`.`name`='About all' OR `a`.`author`=Get_author(`a`.id))

10. {left_parent_name.right_parent_name.${param}}

In [7], [8] and [9], you can specify 2 parent qualifiers: one for the left-hand side of the equation, and one for the right. Any of the names can be empty.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: sql`Get_author(id)`};
let s = sql`SELECT * FROM articles AS a INNER JOIN article_content AS ac ON a.id = ac.article_id WHERE {a.ac.${row}&}`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: SELECT * FROM articles AS a INNER JOIN article_content AS ac ON a.id = ac.article_id WHERE (`a`.`name`='About all' AND `a`.`author`=Get_author(`ac`.id))

Example of left name empty:

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const row = {name: 'About all', author: sql`Get_author(id)`};
let s = sql`UPDATE articles AS a SET {.a.${row}} WHERE id=1`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: UPDATE articles AS a SET `name`='About all', `author`=Get_author(`a`.id) WHERE id=1

11. <${param}> - Generate names and values for INSERT statement.

Parameter must be iterable object that contains rows to insert. Will print column names from the first row. On following rows, only columns from the first row will be used.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let rows =
[    {value: 10, name: 'text 1'},
    {value: 11, name: 'text 2'},
console.log('' + sql`INSERT INTO t_log <${rows}> AS excluded ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE t_log.name = excluded.name`);

/*    prints:
    INSERT INTO t_log (`value`, `name`) VALUES
    (10,'text 1'),
    (11,'text 2') AS excluded ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE t_log.name = excluded.name

12. "${parent_name}.${param}*", (${parent_name}.${param}), ${parent_name}.${param}, {${parent_name}.${param}} - Takes the parent_name from a variable.

In [3b], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10] the parent qualifier name can be taken from a variable.

About Sql object

sql template function returns object of Sql class.

import {mysql as sql, Sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let s: Sql = sql`SELECT 2*2`;

Sql.append() and Sql.concat()

Sql objects can be appended to and concatenated:

Sql.append(other: Sql): this
Sql.concat(other: Sql): Sql

append() modifies current object, and concat() returns a new one.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const id = 10;
const s = sql`SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id='${id}'`;

const where = `name <> ''`;

const s2 = s.concat(sql` AND (${where})`); // concat() returns a new object
console.log('' + s2); // prints: SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id=10 AND (`name` <> '')

s.append(sql` AND (${where})`); // append() modifies current object
console.log('' + s); // prints the same


Also Sql objects can be converted to bytes.

Sql.encode(putParamsTo?: any[], mysqlNoBackslashEscapes=false, useBuffer?: Uint8Array, useBufferFromPos=0): Uint8Array

This function converts the SQL query to Uint8Array, that you probably need to pass to your SQL driver.

You can pass an array to the putParamsTo parameter, so long strings and long typed arrays, and Deno.Reader objects, that appear in quoted '${value}' parameters, will be put to this array, and their SQL representation will be produced as ? character.

import {mysql as sql} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let message = 'a'.repeat(100);
let params: any[] = [];
console.log(sql`SELECT '${message}'`.toString(params)); // prints: SELECT ?
console.log(params); // prints: ['aaa...']

If putParamsTo is not provided, Deno.Reader objects will be rejected with exception.

The mysqlNoBackslashEscapes parameter is only respected when using MySQL dialect. If it's true, backslashes in SQL string literals will be assumed not to have special meaning, so mysql`'${value}'` will not double backslashes. It's important to provide the correct value to this parameter. Remember that the value of this parameter can change during server session, if user executes a query like SET sql_mode='no_backslash_escapes'.

If useBuffer parameter is provided, and there's enough space in this buffer, this buffer will be used and a useBuffer.subarray() of it will be returned from sql.encode(). If it's not big enough, a new buffer will be allocated, as usual.

If useBufferFromPos parameter is provided together with the useBuffer, so the produced query will be appended after that position in the buffer, and the contents of useBuffer before this position will be the part of returned query (even if a new buffer was allocated).


Sql objects can be stringified.

Sql.toString(putParamsTo?: any[], mysqlNoBackslashEscapes=false): string

This function calls Sql.encode(), and then converts the result to string.


Sql.toSqlBytesWithParamsBackslashAndBuffer(putParamsTo: any[]|undefined, mysqlNoBackslashEscapes: boolean, useBuffer: Uint8Array)

This function is the same as encode(), but with 3 mandatory parameters. This is for optimal support of this MySQL driver.


This public property of Sql object contains the chosen SQL dialect (SqlMode) and quoting policy, that allows to whitelist identifiers in SQL fragments.

Sql.sqlSettings: SqlSettings

If you create the Sql object using mysql template function, it's sqlSettings.mode will be set to SqlMode.MYSQL, for pgsql it will be SqlMode.PGSQL, etc.

If you assign a different SqlSettings object before calling toString() or encode(), that different SQL dialect and policy will be used.

The quoting policy has either a whitelist or a blacklist of allowed identifiers, that can remain unquoted. There're 2 separate lists for functions (any identifier that is followed by a parenthesis is considered to be a function name), and for other identifiers.

import {mysql as sql, SqlSettings, SqlMode} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const value1 = "The string is: 'name'. The backslash is: \\";
const value2 = 123.4;
const value3 = null;
const expr1 = "id=10 AND value IS NOT NULL"; // we have 6 raw identifiers here: id, AND, value, IS, NOT, NULL

let select = sql`SELECT '${value1}', '${value2}', '${value3}' FROM t WHERE (${expr1})`;

console.log(select+'');                        // SELECT 'The string is: ''name''. The backslash is: \\', 123.4, NULL FROM t WHERE (`id`=10 AND `value` IS NOT NULL)
console.log(select.toString(undefined, true)); // SELECT 'The string is: ''name''. The backslash is: \', 123.4, NULL FROM t WHERE (`id`=10 AND `value` IS NOT NULL)

select.sqlSettings = new SqlSettings(SqlMode.MYSQL, 'id not'); // in expr1 will quote: AND, value, IS, NULL
console.log(select+'');                        // SELECT 'The string is: ''name''. The backslash is: \\', 123.4, NULL FROM t WHERE (id=10 `AND` `value` `IS` NOT `NULL`)

select.sqlSettings = new SqlSettings(SqlMode.PGSQL, '!id not'); // in expr1 will quote: id, NOT
console.log(select+'');                        // SELECT 'The string is: ''name''. The backslash is: \', 123.4, NULL FROM t WHERE ("id"=10 AND value IS "NOT" NULL)

To create a new SqlSettings object, that can be assigned to Sql.sqlSettings property, provide the SQL dialect (SqlMode), the whitelist/blacklist of idents, and the same for functions. If the list starts with !-char - it's the blacklist. Identifiers in the list are separated with spaces.

SqlSettings.constructor(mode: SqlMode, idents?: string, functions?: string)

If idents and/or functions argument is omitted or undefined, the default value is used.



To print the default policy, you can do:

import {SqlSettings, SqlMode} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let settings = new SqlSettings(SqlMode.MYSQL);

console.log('Identifiers: ', settings.idents);
console.log('Functions: ', settings.functions);

Please note, that quoting policy is only applied to safe SQL fragments that you embed using sql`(${expr})` or sql`${expr}`.

If you want to use custom policy all the time, you can write your own version of sql() function, and of sqlTables:

import {Sql, SqlSettings, SqlMode, SqlTable} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL = new SqlSettings(SqlMode.MYSQL, '!bad forbidden', 'calc_stats');

function sql(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...params: any[])
{    return new Sql(SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL, [...strings], params);

const sqlTables: Record<string, SqlTable> = new Proxy
(    {},
    {    get(target, tableName)
        {    if (typeof(tableName) != 'string')
            {    throw new Error("Table name must be string");
            return new SqlTable(SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL, tableName);

let expr = "calc_stats(bad, good)";
let s = sql`CALL ${expr}`;
console.log('' + s); // prints: CALL calc_stats(`bad`, good)
console.log('' + sqlTables.messages.where('bad=0 AND good=1').select()); // prints SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE (`bad`=0 AND good=1)

It's a good idea to create SqlSettings object once, and reuse it, because creating new instance takes time (it builds words index).

Generate SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE queries from parts

This library provides the following constant objects:

  • mysqlTables and mysqlOnlyTables
  • pgsqlTables and pgsqlOnlyTables
  • sqliteTables and sqliteOnlyTables
  • mssqlTables and mssqlOnlyTables

Usually you need to import only one of these into your project.

import {mysqlTables as sqlTables} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

console.log('' + sqlTables.messages.where("id=1").select()); // prints: SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE (`id`=1)

*OnlyTables allows you to use all the supported features for that SQL dialect, even those that are not supported for other dialects.

*Tables (without Only) throw exception if you ask a feature that is not supported by all of MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite and Microsoft SQL Server. So you can switch to different dialect later (e.g. from mysqlTables to mssqlTables).

All the provided *Tables (and *OnlyTables) objects are Proxy objects. Every property you ask from them becomes a table name, and it's resolved to an SqlTable object, that extends Sql.

let table: SqlTable = sqlTables[tableName];

SqlTable class has the following methods:

  • join(): this
  • leftJoin(): this
  • where(): this
  • groupBy(): this
  • select(): this
  • update(): this
  • delete(): this
  • insert(): this
  • insertFrom(): this
  • truncate(): this

All these methods only log what you asked, and the actual query generation will happen when you convert the object to string or bytes.

import {mysqlTables as sqlTables} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let s = sqlTables.messages.join('content', 'c', 'content_id = c.id').where("id=1").select("c.*");
console.log('' + s); // prints: SELECT `c`.* FROM `messages` AS `b` INNER JOIN `content` AS `c` ON (`b`.content_id = `c`.id) WHERE (`b`.id=1)


SqlTable.join(tableName: string, alias='', onExpr: string|Sql=''): this

Adds an INNER (if onExpr is given) or a CROSS join (if onExpr is blank).

This method can be called multiple times.


SqlTable.leftJoin(tableName: string, alias: string, onExpr: string|Sql): this

Like join(), but adds a LEFT JOIN.


SqlTable.where(whereExpr: string|Sql): this

Adds WHERE condition for SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE queries.

You can call sqlTable.select(), sqlTable.update() and sqlTable.delete() only after calling sqlTable.where(), or an exception will be thrown. To explicitly allow working on the whole table, call sqlTable.where('') (with empty condition).


SqlTable.groupBy(groupByExprs: string|string[]|Sql, havingExpr: string|Sql=''): this

Adds GROUP BY expressions, and optionally a HAVING expression to the SELECT query.

If groupByExprs is a string or an Sql object, it will represent a safe SQL fragment that contains comma-separated list of column expressions.

If it's string[], it will be treated as array of column names.


SqlTable.select(columns: string|string[]|Sql='', orderBy: OrderBy='', offset=0, limit=0): Sql

type OrderBy = string | Sql | {columns: string[], desc?: boolean}

Generates a SELECT query.

If columns parameter is a string or an Sql object, it will represent columns as a safe SQL fragment.

If it's string[], it will be treated as array of column names.

Empty string or array will represent *-wildcard (select all columns).

OFFSET and LIMIT without ORDER BY are not supported on Microsoft SQL Server.


SqlTable.update(row: Record<string, any>): Sql

Generates an UPDATE query. You can update with joins, but if the first join is a LEFT JOIN, such query is not supported by PostgreSQL. Columns of the base table (not joined) will be updated.


SqlTable.delete(): Sql

Generates a DELETE query. You can delete with joins, but if the first join is a LEFT JOIN, such query is not supported by PostgreSQL. Will delete from the base table (not joined).


SqlTable.insert(rows: Iterable<Record<string, any>>, onConflictDo: ''|'nothing'|'replace'|'update'|'patch' = ''): Sql

Generates an INSERT query.

  • onConflictDo=='nothing' is only supported for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Ignores (doesn't insert) conflicting rows (if unique constraint fails).
  • onConflictDo=='replace' is only supported for MySQL and SQLite.
  • onConflictDo=='update' is only supported for MySQL. If duplicate key, updates the existing record with the new values.
  • onConflictDo=='patch' is only supported for MySQL If duplicate key, updates empty (null, 0 or '') columns of the existing record with the new values.


SqlTable.insertFrom(names: string[], select: Sql, on_conflict_do: ''|'nothing'|'replace' = ''): Sql

Generates "INSERT INTO (...) SELECT ..." query.

import {mysqlTables as sqlTables} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

let s = sqlTables.t_log.insertFrom(['c1', 'c2'], sqlTables.t_log_bak.where('id<=100').select(['c1', 'c2']));
console.log('' + s); // prints: INSERT INTO `t_log` (`c1`, `c2`) SELECT `c1`, `c2` FROM `t_log_bak` WHERE (`id`<=100)


SqlTable.truncate(): Sql

Generates TRUNCATE TABLE query where supported (all but SQLite), and for others generates "DELETE FROM".

Extending SqlTable

SqlTable extends Sql. You can extend it with your class to add your own methods. For example you can add method that will perform the actual query to database server.

import {SqlSettings, SqlMode, SqlTable} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL = new SqlSettings(SqlMode.MYSQL);

function sql(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...params: any[])
{    return new MySqlTable(SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL, '', [...strings], params);

class MySqlTable extends SqlTable
{    async query()
    {    console.log(`I'm querying: ${this}`);

const sqlTables: Record<string, MySqlTable> = new Proxy
(    {},
    {    get(target, tableName)
        {    if (typeof(tableName) != 'string')
            {    throw new Error("Table name must be string");
            return new MySqlTable(SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL, tableName);

await sql`SELECT '${import.meta.url}'`.query();
await sqlTables.messages.where('id=1').select().query(); // prints: SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE (`id`=1)

SqlTable has one protected method, that you can override:

protected appendTableName(tableName: string)
{    this.append(sql`"${tableName}"`);
    return tableName;

This method is called every time a quoted table name must be appended to the query. Subclasses can override this function to convert table names and maybe add schema prefixes.

After this function appended the (converted) table name, it must then return this name without qualifiers.

The default implementation shown above doesn't change the name, and doesn't add qualifiers.

The following implementation will convert:

import {SqlSettings, SqlMode, SqlTable} from 'https://deno.land/x/polysql/mod.ts';

const SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL = new SqlSettings(SqlMode.MYSQL);

function sql(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...params: any[])
{    return new MySqlTable(SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL, '', [...strings], params);

class MySqlTable extends SqlTable
{    private schema = '';

    protected appendTableName(tableName: string)
    {    tableName = 't_' + tableName;
        this.append(!this.schema ? sql`"${tableName}"` : sql`"${this.schema}"."${tableName}"`);
        return tableName;

    async query()
    {    this.schema = 'sc';
        console.log(`I'm querying: ${this}`);

const sqlTables: Record<string, MySqlTable> = new Proxy
(    {},
    {    get(target, table_name)
        {    if (typeof(table_name) != 'string')
            {    throw new Error("Table name must be string");
            return new MySqlTable(SQL_SETTINGS_MYSQL, table_name);

await sql`SELECT '${import.meta.url}'`.query();
await sqlTables.messages.where('id=1').select().query(); // prints: SELECT * FROM `sc`.`t_messages` WHERE (`id`=1)