The best JS/TS logger out there.
Table of contents:
What's new
author not being happy with the looks and mechanics.
If you used sign logger before, you might not recognize the new style of code being used, this revamp was made due to the- Sign logger is now split into two classes - Logger and the Transformer! (See the difference here)
- The logger also comes with internal logs for debugging (optional)
- New fail-safe for possible undefined objects/properties
- No constructor, instead the logger uses methods to customize the logs
npm install sign-logger
Getting started
Simple error log ES6:
import { Logger } from "sign-logger";
const logger = new Logger();
logger.error("BEEP BOOP! ERROR!"); // [2020-11-27 16:55] <Error> BEEP BOOP! ERROR!
Transform usage
import { Transformer } from "sign-logger";
const transformer = new Transformer();
console.log(transformer.error("This RETURNS the value, it does not log it!")); // [2020-11-27 16:55] <Error> This RETURNS the value, it does not log it!
More information to come... im too sleepy rn