Standard Notes Folder Export CLI - Deno

This is a small and simple CLI script to convert a decrypted Standard Notes Backup/Export into a structure of <tag>/<note-title>.<file-extension>.

Standard Note's Backup/Export tool exports a single .txt file in JSON format, and all notes in a single directory, which isn't very portable. This script requires that file to exist in the same directory. It should be called Standard Notes Backup and Import File.txt (default name).

No data ever leaves your device with this.


This was tested with deno@1.22.0, though it's possible older versions might work.

There are no other dependencies. Deno!

Usage (no install)

# For exporting notes as *.txt files into an "exports" directory
$ deno run --allow-read --allow-write

# For exporting notes as *.md files into an "exported" directory
$ deno run --allow-read --allow-write --file-extension=md --output-directory=exported

Usage (install)

$ deno install --allow-net --name standardnotes-folder-export

# For exporting notes as *.txt files into an "exports" directory
$ standardnotes-folder-export

# For exporting notes as *.md files into an "exported" directory
$ standardnotes-folder-export --file-extension=md --output-directory=exported


# For exporting notes as *.txt files into an "exports" directory
$ make start

# For exporting notes as *.md files into an "exported" directory
$ deno run --allow-read --allow-write main.ts --file-extension=md --output-directory=exported

# format
$ make format

# test
$ make test


$ git tag -s 1.0.x
$ git push origin --tags