Symfony Pipeline
A ready-to-use GitLab CI Pipeline and Jobs for your Symfony projects.
🚀 Usage
Quick start:
import { GitLab } from "";
const { pipeline } = GitLab;
pipeline.write(); // Write the pipeline to the file .gitlab-ci.yml
Or, if you want to use the predefined jobs:
import { GitlabCI } from "";
import { GitLab } from "";
const { phpUnit, phpcs, phpstan, securityChecker, twigLint } = GitLab;
const const pipeline = new GitlabCI()
.stages(["SecurityChecker", "CodingStandards", "UnitTests"])
.addJob("security-checker", securityChecker.stage("SecurityChecker"))
.addJob("phpcs", phpcs.stage("CodingStandards"))
.addJob("phpstan", phpstan.stage("CodingStandards"))
.addJob("twig-lint", twigLint.stage("CodingStandards"))
.addJob("phpunit", phpUnit.stage("UnitTests"));
pipeline.write(); // Write the pipeline to the file .gitlab-ci.yml