
When I am trying to using URLPattern I see such a performace hit so it seem right choice is to create some light router faster then anyone.

It have Guard and a Router Config file

Config file

GET POST AND OTHER ARE SEPRATED. For Netested child can use.

import { response } from "../../repo/response.ts";
import { compile_route } from "../../repo/router.ts";
import { _Routes } from "../../repo/Type.ts";
export const _routes: _Routes = [
    path: "/text",
    child: [
        path: "/checlk",
        handler: () => response.JSON200("s"),
        path: "/checldk",
        handler: () => response.JSON200("s"),
  { path: "/login", method: "GET", handler: AuthController.Status },
  { path: "/login", method: "POST", handler: AuthController.Login },
  { path: "/logout", method: "GET", handler: AuthController.Login, guard: [AuthGuard] },
  { path: "/register", method: "POST", handler: AuthController.Register },

We can create a Group for curd

This is just a Group with CRUD functionallity but can used as desired

const user = [
    path: "/user",
    guard: [AuthGuard],
    group: {
      GET: [
        { path: "", handler: UserController.all, guard: [AdminGuard] },
        { path: "/.+", handler: },
      POST: [
        { path: "", handler: },
        { path: "/.+", handler: UserController.update },
      PATCH: [{ path: "", handler: UserController.upsert }],
      DELETE: [{ path: "/.+", handler: UserController.delete }],

Shorthand for crud.

const user = { path: "/user", guard: [AuthGuard], crud: UserController };

It compile with compile_route()

export const routes = compile_route(_routes);

So basically it is record

export type Routes = Record<string, Route[]>;

Guard are async function

if there is string it will return string as error 403.

guard?: () => Promise<false | string>;