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Based on Deno's service engine, quickly start server-side development



deno install -A -f --unstable https://deno.land/x/trypoxylus@v0.0.3/bin/trypoxylus.ts

Write project code

New project directory

mkdir demo

Create a configuration file

vi config.ts

The content is as follows:

export default {
   // Port number for service startup
   port: 9000,

New controller

mkdir controllers && cd controllers && vi hello.ts

The content is as follows:

import {Context} from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";

export const controller = {
   router: "/hello",
   get: async (ctx: Context) => {
     ctx.response.body ='Hello world';

Startup project

To the parent directory of the project directory

trypoxylus start demo

Then visit http://localhost:9000/hello


For details on the use of databases and middleware, see the demo directory

Detailed configuration example demo/config-example.ts file