Shell scripting with TypeScript. Runs on top of Deno.
started as a port of zx
to deno. The main
motivation for this package was the lack of typescript support in zx
. That's
where I got the idea to use deno
, since it supports TypeScript natively.
Bash is great, but when it comes to writing scripts, it has it's limitations and
people tend to go for more expressive programming languages.
JavaScript/TypeScript is a great choice, since they are approachable by a huge
number of developers. The vl
package provides provides wrappers around
, and a number of other things for all your shell scripting
needs. Since vl
uses deno
, it has access to both the rich standard library
of deno, and the battle tested standard
libraries of node through it's
node compatibility.
#!/usr/bin/env vl
import "https://deno.land/x/violet/globals.d.ts";
const { create, mkdir } = Deno;
await Promise.all([
$`sleep 1; echo 1`,
$`sleep 2; echo ${2}`,
$`sleep 3; echo 3`,
await fetch("https://google.com");
await mkdir("tests");
await create("tests/test.txt");
await $`ls`;
// clean up
await $`rm -rf tests`;
#!/usr/bin/env vl
import "https://deno.land/x/violet/globals.d.ts";
await $`echo "Hello, stdout!"`
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream("/tmp/output.txt", {}));
await $`cat /tmp/output.txt`;
Environment variables
#!/usr/bin/env vl
import "https://deno.land/x/violet/globals.d.ts";
Deno.env.set("FOO", "bar");
await $`echo $FOO > tmp.txt`;
await $`cat tmp.txt`;
- deno
deno install --allow-all -f https://deno.land/x/violet@<version_number>/vl.ts