A framework for building type-safe commandline tools powered by Zod
Getting started
import * as zc from "https://deno.land/x/zcli/mod.ts";
import { z } from "https://deno.land/x/zcli/z.ts";
const cli = zc.init({
globalFlags: zc.flags({
verbose: zc.flag({ aliases: ["v"] }).oboolean(),
raw: zc.flag({ aliases: ["r"] }).oboolean(),
ctx: {
env: zc.env({
DEBUG: zc.env.bool().default("false"),
meta: {
version: "1.3.2",
build: Deno.build,
commit: "development",
date: new Date().toISOString(),
const fetcher = cli
.command("fetcher", {
args: zc
short: "The URL to fetch",
flags: zc.flags({
method: zc
.flag({ short: "The HTTP method to use", aliases: ["m"] })
.enum(["POST", "GET", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "HEAD"])
headers: zc
.flag({ short: "Add headers to the request", aliases: ["H"] })
data: zc
short: "Send request data",
aliases: ["d"],
.describe("Fetch a resource from the internet")
.preRun(({ flags, ctx }) => {
if (ctx.env.get("DEBUG")) {
console.log("Fetching:", flags.url);
.run(async ({ flags, ctx }) => {
if (ctx.env.get("DEBUG")) {
console.log("Fetching:", flags.url);
const response = await fetch(flags.url, {
method: flags.method,
headers: new Headers(
flags.headers?.map((h) => h.split(":").map((s) => s.trim())),
body: flags.data,
if (flags.json) {
console.log(await response.json());
} else {
console.log("Response:", response);
if (import.meta.main) {
await fetcher.execute();